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Beware! Apple Warns iPhone Users to Turn Off These 3 Features, as Many Users Leave Them On Without Realizing

Apple’s iPhone remains one of the most popular smartphones worldwide due to its numerous useful features. These features have built strong brand loyalty among users. However, Apple experts warn that some functions, if left on, can pose risks.

One such risk involves the WiFi and Bluetooth functions. While essential for tasks like browsing and connecting devices, many users leave them on in public spaces. Hackers can exploit these open connections to quickly access your data, so it’s best to toggle them off when not needed.

Another feature to be cautious about is Location Services, which constantly reveals your whereabouts. Allowing apps to track your location can provide hackers with valuable information about your movements. Additionally, the App Tracker collects personal data, leading to targeted content and potential privacy breaches.

In summary, these three features should be disabled when not in use, especially in public settings. Taking these precautions helps protect your personal data from potential hackers. Non-iOS users can also adopt similar measures to safeguard their privacy.

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